
Soul Sisters in Business

YOU deserve and are worthy of a business that lights you up!! A business that is aligned with your passion and your purpose. A business that feeds your life financially. AND allows you to play in your feminine and bring in the masculine when needed.

So we've created a haven where YOU, women entrepreneurs, dive into YOUR inner power and build a sustainable business that aligns with your true selves.

A successful business that flows with ease and grace.

No amount of hard work can replace the magic that unfolds when you release limiting beliefs, embrace your feminine flow, connect with your authentic essence, and step into the fullness of who you are.


​Our mission is to bring YOU fully into your business by clearing blocks and aligning your mindset and energy to grow and flow successfully.

Rooted in the Heart: A Course in Grounding and Heart Connection

Through meticulously crafted sessions, we delve into the art of grounding, teaching you to anchor your energy and consciousness in the HERE and NOW, cultivating a sanctuary of calm within.

But the journey doesn't stop at finding peace; it's also about clearing the path to your heart. We all carry burdens that cloud our hearts and weigh down our spirits. "Rooted in the Heart" is your gentle yet powerful ally in identifying and releasing these obstacles, allowing you to reconnect with your heart's purest desires and intentions.

Begin to CREATE & MANIFEST by grounding and living from your heart.

40 and Shameless Program

In this program, you will...


DISCOVER what is holding you back from creating the life you desire. You will then RELEASE the deep-rooted beliefs and traumas. Then ACTIVATE the real you, the you that has been hidden behind the heavy disempowering programming.

Get your UMPH back and come into your Divine Love, Wisdom & Power.

Consciously creating your life on YOUR TERMS


More about the course

777 Series

7 Areas of Focus in 7 Sessions over 7 Weeks.

I will take you on a journey of clearing and strengthening your emotions, limiting beliefs & energies that are associated with each chakra. Bringing you into alignment and harmony.

We will be using 5D Breathwork, Multi-Dimensional Energy Work, Tapping, Meditation and Sound.

More about the course

Energy Clearing, Grounding & Protecting

Now, this is SELF-LOVE. This is a non-negotiable when it comes to your daily to-do's. 

No matter what stage of the game you're at in life, taking care of your energy field is a must. It will determine how you feel, how you react to situations and even your physical energy. 

When you begin to have energetic boundaries, the less you will need physical boundaries.

More about the course